Part 75: Mount Typhoon
Early update due to new job on update days.Fun fun.
Welcome back!

Just a shot showing that Gadwin is completely unable to learn wind or water magic. Further evidence of why we are shunning him.

Rainy and muddy.

With rivers of acidic slime and giant mushrooms everywhere. Mount Typhoon is not a nice place.

... Whoops, thought I was forgetting something. Hang on.

Here we go. Much like in Doom, walking through the green goop damages you. Thankfully, this time we can keep the others from getting damaged while we whittle down Gadwin's HP.

There we go.

These familiar-looking motherfuckers are Mold Birds. Ugly, considered to be plants, and can cause Plague in a radius.

Plague is pretty terrible. It takes a while for it to take effect, but it'll randomly inflict stat debuffs and other status ailments on the unfortunate victim. It sucks, and the spell to cure it is third level, so it's not even worth curing outside of items at this point.

Here, for instance, Justin got hit with Confuse. Meaning we're suddenly on a time limit to finish this fight before he kills someone important. Sue gets the job done with her bow.

There's always a secret behind the waterfall. Even if the waterfall is made of slimy acidic goo.

A +3 attack buff is nothing to scoff at. It winds up being instrumental to defeating the next boss.

Damn your fat ass, Gadwin!
Also, this area is loaded with enemies.

This area is mostly a wide open area split up by the damaging rivers. If you don't care about the damage, it's easy enough to dash straight for all the treasures or the exit. If not, you can look for the various safe bridges.

Hey there, sexy. How you doin'?

Before we even hit the second area, Sue gains the second of three wind levels needed to learn the last of her level 1 spells, picking up Crackle.

Everyone's still pretty good on heal-

Justin survives with 6 HP.

Justin gains a water level patching everyone back up after the fight.

And since Crackle only requires 2 levels of water, he also picks up the spell, officially joining the Ice Mage Club.

I also get a lot of use out of the magic lamp this dungeon. Feena uses it twice here to get back up to 4 level 2 MP, so she can Burnflame in case of emergency.

Sue's got a higher defense than Feena here, so Feena gets the shield.

This... doesn't form a vital part of my strategy. It says it boosts action, but it actually boosts move. Y'know, like Runner. That Feena can cast. For free, from her whip.
Yeah. This is getting sold when I get back to town.

Gee, what a normal and not at all ominous conversation to trigger when you approach the next area.

The second area is more of the same, with a few new additions.


Bird dudes! (called Klepps!)

Lightning magic!
Zap! costs a whopping 11 level 1 MP. Sue spent her last two casting the Howl that got her that wind level. It'll be a while before we can see this spell in action.

Justin knows what stats he needs.

Shit, another one?

Feena and Sue both level up at the same time. Both get a +2 in the stat they need the most.

And with another fire level, Feena learns her first new whip skill. Fire Whip... well, we'll get to see it in action soon enough.

God dammit, Gadwin! I killed you off so you can be completely useless, not actively harmful!

That's twice now that Justin would've died if he was still wearing the Dirty Apron. The plague might still get to him, unless Feena can pull a sudden victory out of her ass.

Unfortunately, those fuckers moved around before the attack went off, so it only hit two. And only killed the one she targeted directly.
Thankfully, between Justin, Sue, and another of Feena's turns, the battle ends before Plague can fuck me over.

I pick this thing up off the ground. A nifty little find, but it sits in the inventory for now. The SP-cost-reducing accessories I've got on now are a bit too useful to justify replacement.

Along the way, I find this in one of the huts, and promptly waste it to no effect in the next random encounter.

But finally, with everything outside accomplished, it's time to set foot inside Typhoon Tower and face the terrors within.

Justin's flat-out unable to cast anything. Sue's MP score looks good, but that's only two shots of Alheal for the entire tower. Feena's probably the best off, with three shots of whichever level 1 spells only cost one MP. SP is running low, and, aside from the Magic Lamp, I'm completely out of items.
Next time: Things get Fun.